February 23, 1932 – November 20, 2024
11:00 am
Her faith was a source of strength and optimism, and her favorite Bible verse was Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
We have 150 kids registered for VBS already!
We are embarking on an unforgettable journey of faith and adventure with 150 kids for the 2025 Vacation Bible School expedition, True North! Our promising Alaskan escapade needs your help to make this experience unforgettable! Make a difference by helping unveil Jesus as the unwavering compass, guiding us to truth and trust, True North VBS assures that amidst life's uncertainties, Jesus remains our steadfast and faithful companion. Share as we navigate these amazing kids towards True North and witness the magic of faith and adventure intertwine!
And VBS Week
If you have questions, connect with Jennifer Hock
We are on a waitlist for VBS Registration. If you would like to be on the waitlist, click below or call the Office!
This discussion will be after viewing the movie, The Hill
"Faith on the Field: The Inspiring Journey of Faith and Love of the Sport" is a discussion that will be focused around the 2023 movie, the Hill. After immersing ourselves in the movie we will have a discussion on how the movie captures the essence of unwavering belief and passion of a young boy and his faith and love for baseball.