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Accepting the Word


Passage: Psalms 107:1-6

Speaker: David Brown

All Saints Sunday

All Saints Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday in November.

On November 4th share in worship as we remember and honor those who have passed away, both members of the congregation and those whose funeral services were here at Armstrong Chapel.  This past Wednesday, Stephen Ministry held a service, An Evening of Hope, where we lit candles of remembrance, and called the names of those lost in the previous year as a way of honoring the impact their lives have had on us. Then Lead Pastor David Brown will spread the message of Accepting the Word that will encourage us to trust and rely on the Scriptures.

We would like to thank Shelley for volunteering as our Liturgist this week, Dianna Sheely and the ArmstrongKids that brighten our day with their Children's Moment showing how they are growing spiritually with everything action they take in life.  We have a long-standing tradition of musical excellence and on this Sunday it will be no different as the Chancel Choir directed by Ben Basone accompanied by Stacy Haney on the organ and piano provides inspiring music for the offertory and the Celebration of the Saints.

Production Team: on staff we would like to thank our Director of Digital Programming and Communications, Shanon Rice and her Digital Associate, Kashena Rhoill for making this stream possible. A special thank you to our volunteers every week, we would like to thank Steve Y. for doing our house sound for so many years and our newest member to the team Alexander K, one of our youth, for doing the visuals during our live stream.

For All the Saints UMH #711, vs 1,2,4,5
Leave It There #522 UMH, refrain only
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven #66 UMH


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