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A Saturday Night Bath


    Passage: Luke 12:32-34

    Speaker: Steve Hoard

    Ministry Matters, inspired by Isaiah 1
    O God,
    your call for justice is so clear
    that we are amazed at how easily
    we fail to hear you
    over the sounds of daily life.
    We want to cease to do evil.
    We want to learn to do good.
    Yet, we rarely do all we can
    to rescue, defend, and plead
    for those in need.
    As you have sought us out,
    so we seek your pardon.
    Grant us courage, we pray,
    as persons, as communities, and as nations,
    to bring about the justice you desire. Amen.
    I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord” –
    and God forgave the guilt of my sin.—Psalm 32:5

    Hymns this week:
    I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath #60
    Nothing But the Blood of Jesus #362 Refrain only
    In Christ, There is No East or West #548
    This week:
    Liturgist at 8:20 – Alan Stuart
    Liturgist at 9:40 –Jane Flora
    Special Music at 9:40 – Seth Cornelius

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